Our Top 4 Professional Decluttering Tips.

junk removal

Decluttering Tips To Improve Concentration & Decrease Stress.

Are you looking to simplify and streamline your life? Our decluttering tips help you organize your home and office so that you can concentrate better and stress less. Here’s how to get started:

  1. Start Small: People get overwhelmed by just the thought of going through everything in their home or office. The best way to get around that is to start with one area or one project. Start with one drawer or one small section of your closet. Grab two garbage bags: one for donation and one for the trash. Go through that drawer and then take a break. You’ll feel a sense of accomplishment without being overwhelmed.
  2. Donate Weekly: Find one thing in your home or office that you don’t use and give it to someone you know or donate it to your local nonprofit. This effort can be completely separate from tip #1. For instance, pass along the extra crockpot that you use once a year. Give it to a friend and ask to borrow it when you’ve got company coming. You’ll feel generous and minimalist at the same time.
  3. Shop Your Closet: Before you rush to the mall on Black Friday, take a look in your closet. Each day, grab something you haven’t worn in forever and try it on. If you decide to wear it, great! If not, put it in the donate pile. If you haven’t worn it in over a year and can’t see yourself wearing it soon, get rid of it.
  4. Create A Space For Everything: We know this sounds overwhelming, but keep reading! Think tip #1 and start small. Create a place to put mail when it comes in. Once that habit’s in place, and the whole family understands the process, find a spot for keys, magazines, even your kid’s artwork. If everything has its space, junk is less likely to accumulate.

Our Most Important Tip: Give Yourself A Break.

Most of us hate getting rid of things because we feel wasteful. We focus too much on the money we spent or the perceived sentimental value of an item. Give yourself a break! Styles change over time, and as we get older, we can’t wear the same things. Kids grow up and move on, and so should you. If you decide to make significant changes, schedule professional junk removal with our experienced team. Take these decluttering tips and get started organizing your life. You’ll feel better for it!

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