Contractor / Professional


Save time and money with our specialized pricing and services for contractors and building professionals. We offer pickup and delivery 5 days a week, so we're always on your schedule.

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We understand that as a professional you’re busy. Our construction or roofing dumpsters will be delivered and picked up on-time, on your schedule. Keep your employees on the job site and reduce liability with a construction or roofing dumpster rental.

We offer pickup and delivery from 8AM-4PM 5 days a week in order to provide you with the highest level of flexibility. Our special contractor pricing helps keep more money in your pocket, and gives you more time to focus on your business. Check out our FAQs or get in touch today. 

Construction Dumpster Rental for House Demolition

Professional Appearance

Maintaining a professional appearance on the jobsite is an important part of establishing trust for construction or roofing companies and contractors.

We understand that, and that’s why a rental dumpster from Happy Little Dumpsters will always show up clean and well maintained. No rusted, beat up looking dumpsters here.

Competitive Contractor Pricing

Construction companies, roofers, contractors, and other professional service businesses are eligible for special contractor pricing. This pricing plan charges an up-front flat rate for the dumpster. We then invoice you for final actual landfill fees.

Please fill out the contractor pricing request form above for instant access to our contractor pricing.

Compact Size

We know space is limited on the jobsite, and our dumpsters were designed with this in mind. At only 12 feet long, our 18 yard dumpster takes up about the same real estate as a 4 door sedan.

The double door design of our dumpsters means that you’ll only need about 4 feet of clearance around the back of the dumpster to swing open the doors.

Save Time With A Long-Term Rental

If your project is projected to last longer than our normal 30 day rental period, we offer long-term and permanent dumpster rental options. You can choose weekly or bi-weekly dumpster pickup based on the needs of your project.

When we pick up the full dumpster, we leave a clean, empty dumpster so you don’t lose time waiting on the dumpster to return from the landfill.